Pampered Paws is staffed with experienced groomers. We love your pet, whether it’s a dog, cat or other pawed creature. We know how to pamper them properly and our shop is set up, so your pet is safe and comfortable for its entire stay.
Pets are kept separate, and our kennels are cleaned regularly to keep your dog healthy. If your pet has any signs of cough, please call to reschedule. We do not allow sick pets in the shop.
Our shop is full service. We can provide any of the services you may desire for your pet from a full groom to a quick toenail clip, bathing etc. You will find our prices very reasonable, and we have several deluxe services or special shampoos we can include for those pets who need special pampering.

Donna PPG Shop Manager
Call us for an appointment 503-207-1158 (Leave a message, we will get back to you ASAP)
Book Online Click Here
We are located at 812 Molalla Avenue in Oregon City, Oregon
Open: Monday – Saturday by appointment
We trim Toenails
Toenails can usually be taken care of as a drop in but occasionally we can’t do toenails immediately. It’s helpful if you call for an appointment time.
Payment by check or cash only